Saturday, January 28, 2017

Finding your calling

Entrepreneurship is is more than just having a business. It is more than making money.  Its's about finding your calling.  What do you want to do and share with the world. Is is a desire, a talent, an interest? It could be many different things. but the journey is what is important.

I want to start this journey by looking at a situation as though Im in their shoes and can figure out ways to make a difference. I think that first you have to find what you want to do.  Once you do.  You have do what it takes to make it happen. long hours, and lots of worry and tears, and great adventures and eventually freedom. with great trials come great joy.  It is really important to recognize the hero that is changing in the process.

I stumbled upon something that was pertinent to this weeks message of finding the calling in your journey is  from Leonardo da Vinci....

We have to not over complicate things.  We have to find simplicity in our business adventures so that we don't go crazy in the over complicated things that will naturally come along the way.  Business is a big complication and keeping things simple is important. 

Friday, January 27, 2017

Starting up but hold on for a long ride.

How can you keep the balance with your family and a new start up?
Steve Blank said, stay single.  In the church is this a doable thing?  It is a difficult concept to think about that being possible. There are things to do to preserve your family, but ultimately it has to be a family thing if this is what you desire to do.
Make rule, or start up will take over
you can balance... it just takes work.

You have to have a really good mentor, backup, support system.

I found this really great resource to find a business mentor...

You can sear a small business mentor helper.  You can get on their signup as well to get responses back on the new information they have going out.

75% of all startups fail and with that you have to know that their is going to be times that are touch.
Every business plan is not going to be perfect, therefore you need people who can help advise you and and help you see how your movement is moving forward.  In Harvard business review, it says that typically it's five years for any income and profit ans cash flow.  That is a long time, so you have to be ready for the long haul.
Find the trust in those you support.  Find the backing in those that will tell you from experience
that you are doing good or where changes need to be made.